2019...a fresh clean start—it almost feels like wearing a new set of lingerie. But don’t let the never-ending prospect of what can be prevent you from setting smaller, more achievable goals and resolutions.

Some people prefer spiritual based resolutions. While these may be harder to measure, they hold you accountable for your own thoughts and actions. You might want to work on being more optimistic, or maybe you want to try to be a little crazier in the bedroom. For sex-related resolutions, if you have a partner you should start by talking with them about what it is your looking for or hoping to find. If its just you, make it very clear to yourself what your end goal is and what your plan will be for achieving it, wether thats going out more, exploring more unorthodox options for sex, or simply practicing self love with yourself. The key to a successful resolution is to try and not move too fast, but also to keep in mind exactly what you would like to get out of the experience and continually move closer to that goal.


For those who like a more tangible goal, there are tons of options to choose from. One that we recommend for every lingerie lover is practicing proper lingerie care. This means everything from storage, to wear, to cleaning. Learn the proper way to care for your pieces, and actually do it. Hold yourself accountable. You’ll thank yourself in the long run when you notice your lingerie lasting you longer than it ever has before. Another tangible goal might be to wear sexier underwear more often. Don’t leave your special underwear shoved in the back of the drawer, you paid for them so now get your moneys worth! Plus, a good foundation that makes you feel sexy (even just under your clothes) will completely change your mood for the entire day. Don’t believe us? Try it yourself...or better yet, make it your resolution.



Colette & Sebastian 

Colette & Sebastian